Program Updates: Color Yourself Calm

Although we all have new routines now, things are still so different from “normal” that it’s good to slow down and have some quiet time once in a while. Coloring might be just the ticket! You don’t need any special materials; any kind of paper will do, and you can use crayons, markers, or colored pencils.

We regularly have our coloring table out in the picture book sections of the library where storytime friends and other little ones sit to create, work on their fine motor skills, and review their colors. A few times a year we offer up the large workspace right in the middle of the Children’s Room as a collaborative community coloring space for older kids. While it’s pretty safe to say that older kids are good with their colors and fine motor skills, they always fill up the sheet with impressive creations! Regardless of whether you consider yourself an “artist” or not, kids of all ages (and adults!) can use coloring as an opportunity to slow down and methodically fill in the white spaces on a coloring sheet – or express yourself by creating your own art with color and shape. It’s not about the product you create, it’s about the process while you’re working on it.

Hopefully we’ll all be bringing color back to the library before too long, but in the meantime, think about setting up your own coloring station at home. Adults, you might be surprised at just how relaxing it is! Just remember, it’s OK to go out of the lines sometimes.

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