Library Groups

The Ames Free Library is proud to be a collaborative resource and meeting space for a number of Library Groups that are free and open to all! Each group's members are drawn together by their passion for things like knitting, reading, genealogy and food. For your convenience, below is a list of our current groups and a description of each. This list, much like the library, is a living breathing thing, and as such will morph and change periodically. Feel free to check back again as it will update as changes are made.

Book Clubs

The Ames Free Library hosts several book clubs that meet regularly. For more information on when they meet and what they are scheduled to read next, go HERE.

English for All

English for All is a program for ELL (English Language Learner) students.  We offer classes in a wide variety of subject areas including: Reading, American History, Pronunciation, Conversation, Practical English, Writing and Listening.  Two classes are held in person at the library: Basic English and Game Night. All other classes are on Zoom.  Our program also offers limited individual and group tutorials for qualifying individuals.  Enrollment is limited; if you are interested, please contact Julie Un at

Family Trees, Genealogy, & DNA Online

Have you always wanted to research your family tree? Did you have your DNA tested and want help understanding the results or how to use the DNA results in your family search? Would you like support from others who are also working on their genealogy? Get help understanding the basics of DNA and genealogy. Share helpful hints; find new resources; share successes and brick walls!

Join us on Zoom every Friday at 11 am for basic information, help and support from others who enjoy genealogy. Hosted by Chris Murphy Delano.

Library Beaders

The Library Beaders meet on the 3rd Monday of each month, exploring the infinite variety of ways to assemble beads of every size, shape, and color. Their goal is to have fun while being inspired by fellow artisans, sharing tips, techniques, and resources.

Tai Chi in the Garden with Vince

Come join us on the last Saturday of every month (April through September) to practice and learn the 24 Posture Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan Form. Tai Chi is an excellent, low impact exercise to promote decreased stress and better health.  No previous experience required.

Teen Advisory Board (TAB)

Are you between the ages of 12 and 18? Do you want to have a say in what happens at YOUR library? If you answered yes to these questions, please consider joining the AFL Teen Advisory Board! By joining the AFL Teen Advisory Board you can earn volunteer or community service hours, help plan events and programs at your library, help choose library materials like books, movies, and games, and help promote library awareness. TAB meets on the 1st Wednesday of each month from 3:15 - 4:15 PM in the Teen Den.

Zoom Writing Group

The Zoom Writing Group is a friendly group of new and experienced adult writers, all genres. We meet twice a month (the 2nd and 4th) Mondays from 3:00 - 4:30 PM to discuss writing, read what we are working on, as well as give each other support and feedback. Each meeting we have a 15 minute free-write based on a prompt and a short discussion on some element of writing.

If you’re looking for a friendly group of writers to meet with regularly, come join us! Email Beverly at to find out how to join our next Zoom meeting.