Giving to the Ames Free Library ensures the excellence you have come to appreciate, for now and generations to come. It's easy to give to the Ames Free!
If you have any questions, or would like more information on any of the following, please consult the Gifts & Donations Policy or contact the Library's Administration Team at
We are honored and appreciative to have received a generous bequest from the estate of Warren F. Moffitt, in Memory of the Warren F. Moffitt Family.
Monetary Donations
- To make a one-time or sustaining monthly gift by credit card, use our secure online gift form.
- Checks should be made payable to the Ames Free Library, and mailed to:
Ames Free Library
Development Office
53 Main Street
Easton, MA 02356
Be sure to identify the purpose to which the gift should be applied, your full name, and address along with the check.
Honor and Memorial Gifts
- Consider making a donation to the Ames Free Library as a gift on behalf of someone important in your life, or in memory of a loved one.
- Dedicate a book to a loved one. You can add a name and personalized message to a bookplate that will be affixed to the inside of one of the Ames Free Library's circulating books.
Bricks for Books
Put your name “in stone” as a contributor to one of the best small libraries in America, and Easton’s treasure. A brick engraved with your family name will grace the Ames Free Library walkways, making you a permanent part of this historic H.H. Richardson landmark!
These pavers will both personalize the natural beauty of the library entrance and provide you with a meaningful way to:
• Memorialize or honor a loved one
• Commemorate special occasions or accomplishments
• Give a lasting gift
• Show your strong support for a beloved organization
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Amazon Wish List
- If you are interested in supplementing our collection or equipment here at the Library, please have a look through our Amazon wish list!
Charitable IRA Rollover
If you are at age 70½ or older and are the owner of an IRA, you can make tax-free IRA contributions directly to the Ames Free Library.
Similarly, if you would like to give a Charitable Gift Annuity, Trust, or other Legacy Gift please contact the Library's Administration Team.
Match Your Gift
Many corporate employers, parent companies, and some foundations will match the individual charitable gifts of their employees, retirees, the spouses of their employees and, in some cases, board members. Taking advantage of your company's matching gift program is a wonderful way to increase the impact of your gift to the Ames Free Library; the impact of your gift may be doubled or possibly tripled. All matching gifts are counted toward your membership in the 1883 Society.
To find out if your company has a matching gift policy, please check with your human resources department.
Real Estate or Personal Property
- Gifts-in-kind are non-cash contributions of materials or long-lived assets that serve the purposes of the library by providing tangible property that can be put to use or can be sold to provide funding for Library priorities. Donors may benefit from an immediate income tax deduction for the appraised value of the gift and pay no capital gains tax, so long as the gift can be used by the Ames Free Library to carry out its mission.
- Please consult the Director and the Board of Directors at, who will help determine the appropriateness of a gift-in-kind.
Securities Transfer
- A gift of appreciated securities (stocks, bonds, mutual fund shares).
- Similarly, if you would like to give a Charitable Gift Annuity, Trust, or other Legacy Gift please contact the Library's Administration Team.