A Glimpse of Nature -- A New Twist
September 17, 2021
Last week I lamented the difficulty of photographing night-singing insects. Whenever I approached, they became silent and “disappeared” into the dark foliage. . . until I walked away. Well, not long after I completed the post on “Night Music,” the insects became more cooperative. One tree cricket was sitting on the picnic table where I settled down for dinner.
Another jumped on my leg!
A third cricket sat next to my car’s charging port at the end of the evening. You get the idea. It’s best to seize an opportunity when it presents itself . . . which leads me to a request: send me your photos of nature at, or near, the Ames Free Library. Any organism or natural phenomenon is worthy of consideration.
A Glimpse of Nature will be more interesting and meaningful with reader participation. As the blog evolves, I hope to include a combination of photo essays, stand-alone images with brief explanations, and reader submissions. This mix would offer variety, a manageable project, and a better sense of community involvement. After all, as much as I enjoy talking about my interests, my real goal is to get you outdoors, excited, and involved in our world.
Send your current photo, its date and approximate time, and a concise description to info@amesfreelibrary.org. The email will be forwarded to me.
As I am on vacation, longer posts will be suspended until October 1. Check back next week for a current image of nature at the Ames Free Library.