Indoor Storytimes for Winter

Winter is coming! As the weather gets colder, storytimes must move inside. We’ll continue to run our weekly storytimes on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 10:30 AM, but there will be a few changes.

As of January 3, 2022, the following guidelines will be in place for all storytimes:

  • Space is limited and registration is recommended. Registration will open two weeks before the first storytime of the month. You will be registered for that storytime for the entire month. Registration is now open for all January storytimes. 

  • You must complete  a separate registration for each child attending storytime. Due to space constraints, no more than one adult may accompany a child.

  • Storytimes will be held in the second floor Conference Room. Unregistered walk-ins will be seated in the first floor Presentation Commons to experience a simulcast storytime on the big screen. Both rooms will be closed when capacity is reached.

  • Please arrive on time. Queset House doors will open at 10:20 and will be locked after 10:40 AM.

  • Masks are required in the Queset House for all individuals ages 2 and up.

  • If you have a storytime kit from our Garden sessions, plan to bring it with you. Some sessions may use scarves or shakers! 

Find out more and register for WigglewormsBabytime, or Family Storytime on our Storytime page.

Please contact with any questions or concerns, or to inquire about a waiting list.

Indoor Storytime procedures may change as conditions change. If you are not ready to join us for indoor storytimes, stay tuned to this blog for links and videos to other early literacy resources.

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Youth Services