Family Fun: Miniature Books

Ever thought about writing a book? Maybe a really short one? Literally… short…

 Seasonal AFL Author-in-Residence Kate Klise recently shared this fun article about making tiny books. Consider collaborating with your kids and making this a true family project! Depending on their ages, you might need to actually put the book together. Beyond that, the sky’s the limit! Maybe you’ll illustrate a story they write - or vice versa. If you have very young children, they can narrate the story and you can write it for them. If drawing tiny pictures is too challenging, use small stickers, stamps, or patterns to fill those pages. Let your older children try to write or draw, though. It never hurts to continue honing those fine motor skills!

 Once it’s done, we’d love to see the end result! Feel free to email photos of your work-in-progress or finished product to

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