Family Fun: Leaf Hunt

Fall is my favorite season! The colors are still a bit spotty around town, but trees are starting to display their showy leaves! Take a walk in Easton's natural areas (check out Borderland State Park, the Sheep Pasture, and the Governor Ames Estate) - or in your own neighborhood – and observe, sketch, or take photos of the leaves you find. You can sort or organize them (pre-math skills!) by color, shape/type (bonus: can you identify the trees they’re from?), or by size.

An easy backyard activity: gather up some leaves and glue them to a sheet of paper to make a little person, à la Lois Ehlert’s book Leaf Man. (You could even just do this as an activity wherever you are without gluing them down.) Throw in some little sticks, acorns, or other natural materials, and you could build a little family with unique characteristics. Now that’s what I call a family (team) “building” activity!

Check out these other picture books about leaves, too!

Red Yellow LeafLeaves on TreeLeaves Leaves Leaves

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Youth Services
Family Fun
Outdoor Activities