General FAQs

What is VolunTEENs?

VolunTeens are teen volunteers between the ages of 13 - 18 who will assist young patrons (12 and under) in registering for the library’s summer reading program, logging minutes, and selecting prizes. 


Will volunteering at the library count toward service hours for my organization?

The library will provide a letter certifying your hours volunteered to us over the summer. Ask your group leader or mentor if general service hours with the library count for your specific purposes.


Can I get a reference or recommendation?

Library staff will not provide work/personal references or recommendations. We will confirm that you volunteered here, the date range during which you volunteered, and the total number of hours (see “service hours” above).


I’m in middle school. Can I volunteer?

Students who will be 13 by the end of the summer (on or before August 31, 2024) can volunteer. This generally applies only to students who will be entering 8th grade. 

Sixth and 7th graders, you can still participate in the youth summer reading program as a reader, so enjoy these last couple of years of collecting beads before you’re on the other side of the desk!


I’m in college. Can I volunteer?

These volunteer positions are intended for students who have not yet completed high school. If we have shortage of volunteers, we may consider college students no older than 18. 


I’ve never participated in the summer reading program before. Can I help anyway? 

Of course! We think that many volunteers remember how much fun collecting their beads was and can encourage young readers to read and collect more - but you can still be a positive influence for these children even if you’ve never participated in the program yourself.


Scheduling FAQs

I won’t be here all summer. I’m going to camp/on vacation for a week.

That’s OK! We do ask that all participants commit fully to their volunteer work for the summer, but we understand that you also have a life! If you will be available for most of the summer, and will commit to coming each week during the weeks you are available, please fill out an application. There is a section to note which dates you will be unavailable.  


Ooops! I forgot I was scheduled today! What happens if I miss a shift?

Any no-show shifts will count as a strike against you. If your attendance becomes problematic, you may be dismissed from the program for the rest of the summer. If you are dismissed, you will still receive credit/a letter for any hours you did complete.


It’s July, and I just found out that my family is going somewhere amazing next week! I’m already scheduled to work. Can I go?

Please talk to the Youth Services staff as soon as you know about it. Any days off not accounted for on your application may count as no-show shifts, but we’ll try to accommodate family plans.


I’m sick and have to miss my shift. What do I do?

If you cannot make your shift, call the library as soon as you know. You can reach the Youth Services staff at 508-238-2000, x4. Let us know your name and your scheduled shift.


I can’t get a ride to my shift. What do I do?

Your application and contract certifies that you will have a ride available for each shift. Any shift missed due to transportation will be considered a no-show.


Can I sub in for my friend who has to miss a shift?

Please indicate on your application that you are willing to substitute for empty shifts. Youth Services staff will try to fill in blanks based on volunteers’ availability, but if you’re interested in a direct switch with a buddy, just let us know! 


Didn’t find your answer here? Call Youth Services at 508-238-2000, x4, or email teens@amesfreelibrary.org.