Every week, the Ames Free Library hosts three storytime programs: Wiggleworms, Babytime, and Family Storytime. In addition to our weekly storytimes, we have a monthly Pajama Storytime!
Best for mobile toddlers, Wiggleworms features songs, rhymes, and short stories to keep little ones engaged. This program meets every Tuesday at 10:30 AM in the Children's Room with Miss Alyisha and runs for about 30 minutes.
Best for infants and prewalkers, Babytime is storytime for littles - and their grownups! This session is full of songs, rhymes, lap games, and a couple of short picture books to fire up those babies' brains. Babytime meets every Wednesday at 10:30 AM with Miss Hannah in the Children's Room. It runs for about 20 minutes and is followed by time to socialize, play with baby toys, and pop some bubbles! Siblings are welcome and are encouraged to bring their own "baby" (a doll or plush animal).
Family Storytime is perfect for preschoolers but fun for the whole family! Learn (or relearn!) favorite songs & rhymes and enjoy a few stories each week. This program meets every Thursday at 10:30 AM with Miss Alyisha in the Children's Room and runs for about 30 minutes.
At Pajama Storytime, Miss Alyisha will share books, rhymes, and lullabies to help wind down your evening. This program will last about 30 minutes, ending with a seasonal mindfulness exercise and a wish upon a star! Families with children of any age are welcome to attend. Pajamas and stuffed animals are encouraged (but not required).
If you're looking for more Storytime fun outside of these regular sessions, check out the following resources:
- Short Songs & Rhymes: Storytime Snippets with Miss Jess
- Daily Preliteracy Tips & Activities: Vroom.org
- Animated Picture Books: TumbleBooks
- Celebrity Read-Alouds: Storyline Online