Nonfiction Book Club - Alfie and Me by Carl Safina

Read the true side of the story with some truly great people - new members are always welcome! Copies of each selection are available at the Circulation Desk approximately one month before the meeting.
The Nonfiction Book Club meets every month on the 2nd Thursday at 6:00 p.m.
This month’s selection is: Alfie and Me: What Owls Know, What Humans Believe by Carl Safina
"When ecologist Carl Safina and his wife, Patricia, took in a near-death baby owl, they expected that, like other wild orphans they'd rescued, she'd be a temporary presence. But Alfie's feathers were not growing correctly, requiring prolonged care. As Alfie grew and gained strength, she became a part of the family, joining a menagerie of dogs and chickens and making a home for herself in the backyard. Carl and Patricia began to realize that the healing was mutual; Alfie had been braided into their world, and was now pulling them into hers.
Alfie & Me is the story of the remarkable impact this little owl would have on their lives. The continuing bond of trust following her freedom--and her raising of her own wild brood--coincided with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, a year in which Carl and Patricia were forced to spend time at home without the normal obligations of work and travel. Witnessing all the fine details of their feathered friend's life offered Carl and Patricia a view of existence from Alfie's perspective."