Easton Food Pantry

Hopefully you never experience what is now commonly called “food insecurity.”  But there are many unforeseen reasons why it can happen, and – with no judgement – your neighbors at the Easton Food Pantry are there to help.  There are absolutely no financial requirements to obtain food from the Pantry.  You simply must be an Easton resident and show proof with a recent bill (utility, etc.) that has both your full name and address.  Call in advance to register at 781-333-6284.

Every Monday from 11:30 p.m. - 3 p.m. (weather permitting; call ahead if in doubt), the Pantry distributes food at the rear of the Fellowship Church, 604 Foundry Street, South Easton. The Pantry operates as a “drive-thru”, so remain in your car and make certain your trunk is clear.  You will receive a pre-packed bag of groceries containing cereal, pasta, sauce, vegetables, fruit, tuna and soup.  Seasonally, the Pantry partners with local farms to provide fresh produce, and, in conjunction with the Greater Boston Food Bank, the Pantry is able to distribute quality meat, poultry, fish and dairy.

The Pantry is closed on/after major holidays.  Call ahead to verify.

If you would like to donate NON-PERISHABLE (and non-expired) food or supplies, please use the bins located at Roche Bros or Shaw's.

Monetary donations and local market gift certificates are always greatly appreciated, and can be mailed to:

Easton Food Pantry

P.O. Box 1481

Easton, MA  02334-1481

 If you wish to volunteer or schedule a food drive, please call the Pantry line at 781-333-6284, or leave a message on their contact page. For additional details, visit https://eastonfoodpantry.org/ or the Food Pantry Facebook page.

Thank you for your support!