Yeti, Set, Read! 2024 Winter BINGO Reading Challenge

Group of cartoon yetis reading

Yeti, Set, Read! 2024 Winter BINGO Reading Challenge

January 1 - March 19, 2024

The start of a new year means the start of a new BINGO challenge at the Ames Free Library! Get "yeti" to join in the all ages fun on READsquared.

There are BINGO cards for children, teens, and adults. Each card includes prompts to encourage reading and to help you learn more about everything that's available at the library.

Children - you'll earn an entry in our prize raffle for one of three book bundles for every BINGO row you complete! Each bundle includes a selection of books and a library journal.

Teens - you'll earn an entry in our teen prize package raffle for every BINGO row you complete! The teen prize package includes a Book Buck to spend at the Friends of the Library Book Sale Room, a selection of YA books, and a sticker pack.

Adults - you'll earn a Book Buck to spend at the Friends of the Library Book Sale Room for every BINGO row you complete! Every three rows completed earns an entry in our grand prize raffle for a library prize package, which includes an AFL tote bag, mug, and pen.

Sign up today!